Homework Vacations

Just as teachers vary considerably in the amounts of homework they assign, so too do schools differ in their homework policies. Some schools have no official policy, leaving such decisions up to individual teachers; others specify a recommended limit per night, per subject. Administrators rarely explicitly address the issue of whether or not homework should be assigned over school breaks.

So when a school tackles this somewhat thorny issue, particularly when a reasoned (and reasonable) policy is the outcome, parents should take notice. It's a sign that administrators aren't simply going along with the status quo where homework is concerned but instead are thoughtfully considering the ramifications of assigning homework over vacations, both for students and teachers.

Although some teachers may chafe at having to restrict, or even eliminate, homework during these break periods, worrying that their classes will fall behind predetermined schedules, most students will benefit from the break. What with today's jam-packed schedules, students rarely have time to simply relax, enjoy friends and family, and pursue their own interests. School breaks present ideal opportunities for "homework vacations," allowing students to return to classes energized and refreshed instead of worn out and depleted.

So if your school limits or does away with homework over vacations, make sure your children take advantage of the break. Try not to fill up their time with extra assignments or practice sessions yourself, even if you're tempted to use it to help them "get ahead." Instead, encourage your kids to explore new activities, either alone or with the family, and make the most of what today is increasingly rare: the gift of time.